0.1 Introduction to Business course for agricultural drones

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Welcome to the introduction part of the business course for agricultural drones. 

Crop Pilot school has prepared the first ever agricultural drone business course and generic guide.

In this course you will find essential information for drone pilots, operators, dealers and investors.

Introduction part will give you a detailed overview of the business course chapters and planned target audience. 

In this part we will also get an overview of Crop Pilot school present and future practical, theoretical and online training courses.

The business course is divided into 3 chapters - generic, a service company chapter and drone dealer chapter. Although the course name is business course, the generic chapter will be relevant to a wide range of audience. This chapter will be applicable to all industry newcomers, drone pilots, farmers, service companies, dealers, investors, consultancy companies etc. looking to get a better overview of the industry.

Basically, the target audience is anyone interested in spraying drones, as probably none of us were born as drone pilots or spraying specialists and we have to learn from someone.

In generic chapter we will discuss application cases in Europe, guide you on how to choose the best drone for your specific job, compare most popular drones on the market and provide you with a list of necessary additional equipment. Furthemore, we have prepared an essential guide for choosing the right source of the water supply for spraying operations. Last, but not least, we will discuss the safety of operations, obtaining CAA permit and do's and dont's for pilots and drone operators.

 This is not the full list of topics and additional lessons will be published based on your feedback and questions.

Let me remind you all subscriptions have lifetime access to the relevant chapters and you will be getting updates as our young industry evolves and more knowledge is gathered.

Please feel free to comment on any lesson or section, ask questions, leave your feedback and get involved in conversations with other fellow pilots. 

Second chapter is focused on work efficiency and this part will be more relevant to the service companies and future business investors.

If you are a farmer and you are willing to increase your productivity, this part is for you as well.

This chapter is packed with detailed and essential information to increase service company productivity, as otherwise such companies will not get their planned profit. Service company has to be efficient in every sense as this is the question of company's survival.

We will discuss in details your daily work timeline, initial investment calculation, ROI and cost calculation, basically how much does it cost to spray or spread one hectare and how many liters do you need to spray per hectare? Needless to say, the bigger rate of spraying, the less efficient is your work.

 We will discuss optimum business strategy - what jobs are most popular and in demand, we will compare pesticide and organic product spraying jobs, and which one of these is more attractive business wise.

Main target of this course is to get you ahead of your competitors, save your time and resources. A few things to mention about a CAA permit for service companies as well. In the dealer and subdealer section we will discuss main responsibilities and company development directions, discuss who are the industries key players and clients , what are most efficient marketing strategies and the services, products and accessories you should offer to your clients. We will discuss the subdealer role and business strategy. Even if within your country there is an official DJI or XAG drone dealer, there is always a room for a sub-dealers or local dealers which are in direct contact with the farmers.

As already mentioned, this is not the full list of topics and additional lessons will be added based on your feedback and questions.

We have discussed the business course structure and target audience. Generic chapter will be published and made available first, followed by service company and dealer/subdealer chapters. Let me remind you that all chapters of the business course are free of charge for all pilots who are attending practical training at our training center. If you have purchased this course before attending the practical training, we will deduct it's price from your practical training course. Next, let's take a look at the courses Crop Pilot School has to offer.

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